Lone Dreamdays by Joni Caggiano

Lone Dreamdays by Joni Caggiano

I acquiesce to God, a lividity prints itself

upon my head

age summons memories, of starving

cats, playing pennywhistles in an alley

my pen spreads ink, keen to write

peculiar dreams, as I slumber on a

barren bed

you emigrate with crows, to warmth, as I

linger in colds

oil tainted with burnt-red clay, as a late

frost bites my soul for a taste

of the song, the wrens sang for me, of

my hope, for the veracity of her story


*featured image –  Photo by John W. Waterhouse 1898 Public Domain Photo  is named Ariadne

Author’s Bio

Joni Karen Caggiano is a internationally published author, poet, and photographer. A 2022 Pushcart Nominee for, “Old New is Not Old News,” The Short of It Publishing, she has been recognized for several accomplishments. Her debut poetry book, “One Petal at a Time” will be released in June 2024 by Prolific Pulse Press LLC.

36 respuestas a “Lone Dreamdays by Joni Caggiano

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      1. Thank you Mich for responding to folks. Today is my daughter’s birthday and I had a couple of things to do this morning. I would imagine your family will have the weekend together and I hope that you can all do something nice for Easter together. Sending my love, Joni

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  1. I agree with Michelle here–such a renaissance feel to this one. And you know me–I love the classical approach. Your imagery is astounding and the flow so velvety smooth. Just glorious writing, from a master poet. Wonderful poetry, my friend. 😊

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    1. Happy weekend Mike. Thanks for reading me at Hotel, I always appreciate your kind comments. I have been busy this morning and how to take care of a couple of things, I am sorry I miss your comment. Thank you for you sweet words Mike I do appreciate that you enjoy my work as Scott and I are both big big fans of your work as well. I send you my love as always and prayers and southern hugs, Joni

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  2. I loved the smooth vibe to this one.. Renaissance indeed..a Renaissance woman, doubtful. You’d have been a hell raiser 😜
    At least I hope you would have been. But there is a unmistakable ease of this piece, like water flowing gently in a cold stream..it’s quite soothing. It is not as intense as some of your more heavier poems. Very great exhibition of your writing skills. Loved it, Joni. 💜💜💜

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    1. Dearest Nigel, wow, thank you very much for all your very kind comments, and you’re right, I’m a bit of a hell raiser. I risked my life once as a teenager for someone I hardly knew, but that’s a story for another day 😁 hugs and love from the both of us ❤️

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