Numb by Nigel Byng

Numb by Nigel Byng

And so they rebuild
While the wounded are removed from the battle field
While the bodies lay entombed in the rubble
And while the children die and mothers grieve
They rebuild

Still they fall
Parachutes drop life saving aid and food
Bombs rain down like demon manna
Craters collect acid rain, the limbs of the fallen,
and like the cedars of Lebanon
They fall

Still they smile
Hidden handshakes, crocodile tears
All the while denying the right to coexist
The length of a man’s arm, the time it takes to exhale or inhale, the distance between life and death
Veneered grins say it’s okay

And so, the righteous cry
I stand with a FLAG, Free the FLAG,
pointless, empty slogans
use the shallow minded and weak, the indoctrinated and misinformed
A coward dies a thousand times, while the brave die young
But the righteous cry on

We are a peculiar people –
An insatiable dragon feasting,
A satanic glutton, gorging on pain and suffering
Fattened by the greed of the few
Placated by the morally impious –
Whom the Gods wish to destroy

They curse with Madness
The right to annihilate
The right to eradicate
The right to insinuate
That when the world witnesses a Holocaust, it is in fact an act of kindness; divine retribution
Human life is of little value when compared to the price of waterfront property

Such hypocrisy
Such callous disregard
All it took for genocide to be palatable
Was the silence of elected leaders
Bankrolled by the murderous
Hasn’t that always been the case?
The ghosts of Nuremberg giggle

Pave the roads with skull and bones
Let the square and compass illuminate the night sky as the shining blue star falls and the stripes bleed a sanctimonious red
Sound the shofar
Hear the three lions roar, tamed by Elysium on her scarlet beast, riding down from her seven hills
And name the paved road after the dear leader
The Mother of Harlots

*Featured image by Dallas Reedy on Unsplash

Author’s Bio

Nigel Byng is a freelance writer, living in the USA. He recently contributed to Happiness in Unexpected Places; an anthology of stories compiled by authors and media professionals from across the globe. His writing can be found on Signs of the Times Australia; MasticadoresIndia, or on his personal blog where he displays his love of fiction and poetry under his pen name, Jerome Kenrick.

65 respuestas a “Numb by Nigel Byng

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      1. I understand that. I served in a war, and as a participant, I have conflicting feelings. While I don’t want to see good men and women subject to it, and wish we could do away with them, there is a part of me personally that feels like it was one of the only times I had purpose in my life. From what I have read, it’s not that uncommon in veterans to feel that way. I used to think there was something wrong with me or I was a bad person for feeling that way, but the human mind is complicated at times.
        Complex subject and a lot of emotions both good and bad involved.

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      2. I commend any man who feels the call to serve. 🙏 I’m glad you survived your tours of duty, dude. It’s the veterans who get to shape the narrative about the reality of conflict. Hopefully voices like yours are heard above the drum beats of war. 💪

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  1. The song, Where Have All The Flowers Gone comes to mind. The line, «Oh when will they ever learn», is repeated for a reason.

    You think we’d learn by now but unfortunately, we don’t look back at history and think that we ought to do better. Oh when will we ever learn? 😔

    Le gusta a 2 personas

  2. We are a peculiar people –
    An insatiable dragon feasting,
    A satanic glutton, gorging on pain and suffering
    Fattened by the greed of the few
    Placated by the morally impious –
    Whom the Gods wish to destroy

    They curse with Madness
    The right to annihilate
    The right to eradicate
    The right to insinuate
    That when the world witnesses a Holocaust, it is in fact an act of kindness; divine retribution
    Human life is of little value when compared to the price of waterfront property

    I felt like if it was something I would write you know… I enjoy reading you, you are creative and sentimental. Very good one Nigel.

    Le gusta a 2 personas

    1. Precisely. «they» are the ones dying as the song says. But it is our bombs and our guns, and our drones, and oue tanks, our planes, our weaponry, our funding, our political support, our refusal to condemn which allows most wars to continue. There is a song that asks «What’s in your Head, Zombie.?»
      So apt for society.
      Thank you for reading and leaving such a thoughtful comment, Peggy.

      Me gusta

  3. Nigel I love this piece. So much truth I was thinking of posting my favorites as well and then I decided I would have to repost the whole piece. It is a truth sharing piece about what is important in our world and who runs and makes those decisions. How else can someone seriously running for President with 80 something criminal cases pending if the government was not corrupt. Need I saw anything else. 

    There are some great stanzas here and the biblical references are great. I can hear Gabriel’s horn blowing and sometimes I can’t help but wonder if it is just not around the corner. Miriam was like me so many great lines hard to pick. I loved those she chose as well. 

    We find a way to get whatever we want in this Country. The rich consume and often take while the poor get poorer and fight the wars and die while the leaders often make decisions from safe places. I am talking about our Country here. 

    I love this Nigel. Hugs and blessing from us both and thanks Mich for posting this piece. ❤️

    Le gusta a 2 personas

  4. Thank you Joni.. I responded on your other post on my blog..but I still have more to say lol. I have always been fascinated my Mr..Trump’s rise to the top of the political summit. Having grown up reading tabloid stories of him and his first wife, and all his shenanigans over the years, I was amazed that he survived the Stormy Daniels allegations, all the court cases previously, all the financial malpractice accusations and still become president. For all his flaws, he remains the only president in living memory to not take the country to war. So I give him a little star for that. 😜
    But like all leaders prior, he is just a future head..a mere puppet for the real power brokers behind the scenes. All presidents, and most politicians are beholden to their donors.
    Things are changing..the empire is falling, and what is coming doesn’t look very peachy either. But rest assured the corruption will continue.

    Me gusta

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