Ghost Limbs by Nigel Byng, 2024

Ghost Limbs by Nigel Byng, 2024

Not everything in this life has an explanation
If you’re lucky enough, you get a do over in the reincarnation
Some questions are best left alone

I remember a time when “sudden death” used to be a sporting term
Lighting does strike twice; maybe thrice as bad news always comes in threes.

I ask myself what’s the point in trying to separate the forest from the trees?

Never ask yourself why someone chooses to walk away

It’s like asking your echo to predict the future; life stuck on replay

I played with shards just to feel something
Broken and shattered goes with red, but only if it’s streaming

Nothing says I love you as when she paints with black and blue

Who knew that the heart could bruise so readily without ever killing you.

She was gone before I could get to know her, unsure of what she wanted to say.

But she had kept the motor running, as she was always planning for a fast getaway.

Maybe when it burns like a meteorite love is better

Passion fuels romantic poems and one thousand love letters

They burn intensely when they enter your sphere,
The briefest of smiles, the highlight of your year.

When they’re gone, it feels like a ghost limb
Summer romances seldom comes with a warning.

Author’s Bio

Nigel Byng is a freelance writer, living in the USA. He recently contributed to Happiness in Unexpected Places; an anthology of stories compiled by authors and media professionals from across the globe. His writing can be found on Signs of the Times Australia; MasticadoresIndia, or on his personal blog where he displays his love of fiction and poetry under his pen name, Jerome Kenrick.

36 respuestas a “Ghost Limbs by Nigel Byng, 2024

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  1. «Some questions are best left alone… / Never ask yourself why someone chooses to walk away…» Sage advice, and advice I never learned to follow myself. This poem resonates so loudly. Those incediary realationships burn out so fast and scorch everything in sight, it seems. What an intense piece of writing, Nigel. You nailed this one. 😊

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  2. Nigel this is a beautiful, piece which is so provocative and pulls you in. Hard not to think about one’s own romances. Although a long time ago for me as I have been married for a long time, I know that hurt and confusion all at once. What a brilliant last line too, Nigel. 

    Just a joy to read and even though it can make one sad to think about our old romances or loves, I would still take that time spent during my single days loving someone then not loving. 

    Beautiful piece. Sending big hugs and so glad to read you here on Hotel. Love Joni

    Le gusta a 2 personas

    1. Thank you so much Joni. Yeah, I wouldn’t trade any of my failed romances for the world. It is such a buzz falling for someone, getting to know them, thinking of a future and giving your all to them. Sure, it hurts like a bugger when it all ends, but it the wild ride is always worth it. 🤗
      I appreciate you my dear. 💜

      Le gusta a 3 personas

      1. I appreciate you too Nigel and you just haven’t found the right girl yet. By the way you are very welcome, it was a great piece. I am glad to say you wouldn’t trade anything because the old saying is true. Even though my first love broke my pieces and it took me a long time to recover, I think back on the time we had together and I wouldn’t change one thing. Big hugs and love to you too Nigel. 🌹

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