A Bentley and a Spanking for Christmas by Nigel Byng

A Bentley and a Spanking for Christmas by Nigel Byng

Mr. Sookram was the first and only man I had ever seen driving an oxcart. He used to bring my friend Singles and his little sister Savita to school every morning on this behemoth. Then he would head off to the cane field to start his job as a cart driver.

The friendly but playful beast, all two tons of him, was named Bentley, like the luxury vehicle. Singles used to tell everybody his father drove a Bentley, and because we had never ever seen a Bentley, we incorrectly assumed that Bentley was a breed of Oxen.

But that is how it was growing up in a third-world country in the 1970’s. We had no television unless you took into consideration the small black-and-white thing with a screen about the size of a toaster. Watching Sesame Street in black and white, left plenty to the imagination. I remember being shocked when I learned that Big Bird was actually as yellow as a canary. But I digress.

Anyway, one particular Christmas morning, Singles had ended up at my place much earlier than usual, because Bentley had gone roaming overnight. This was a bit of a problem, as Mr. Sookram and Bentley were to be Santa and his one reindeer…or Ox, for the Christmas parade.

How anyone could manage to lose a pet the size of a car, is something that only Singles could explain. But when all was said and done, Bentley was found casually grazing in the field behind my house.

He wasn’t in the mood to be taken home, so we decided that he could just spend the morning at my place. It’s not like we had a choice anyway. Bentley had a mind of his own, and if you’ve ever tried reasoning with an Ox, you would understand our dilemma.

As we sat waiting for Bentley to finish his green breakfast, Singles spotted my neighbor’s laden grapefruit tree. It didn’t take much for me to convince him to clamber over the fence and bring back enough to feed a small army.

We ran that morning to the cane fields with our stolen loot and sucked on grapefruits until the sun was high up in the sky. Lost and forgotten in our gluttony, was the Christmas Day street parade. It wasn’t until we heard the scream of his mother’s voice breaking the sound barrier, that we remembered. Back then, corporal punishment was a standard reward for any sort of ill-advised behavior, and we both understood that our spanking was as guaranteed as the sunrise. So, we ran.

We would’ve made a great escape to nowhere, except that Bentley thought it was a fun game, and chased after us. Oxen don’t normally run anywhere. But Bentley was more of a house pet than a beast of burden. And he certainly didn’t behave like any other Ox on the planet.

If you have ever had the unfortunate experience of being chased by an Ox, or any kind of cattle, you will know why some grownups are so blasphemous. The Lord’s name was the only thing I heard when Bentley charged through the cane field that morning. Well, that and every other curse word that only drunks and mad people were allowed to utter.

I got a Christmas day spanking, or cutarse, as the difference between the two is very clearly defined, with the latter bordering on attempted murder. I also got grounded for the Christmas Day street parade, which I thought was rather unfair. And had to watch Bentley the big old Ox, dressed up like Rudolph the bloody red-nosed reindeer from my bedroom window, as every other kid got their presents from the back of an ox cart.

Isn’t life a bugger.

Author’s Bio

Nigel Byng is a freelance writer, living in the USA. He recently contributed to Happiness in Unexpected Places; an anthology of stories compiled by authors and media professionals from across the globe. His writing can be found on Signs of the Times Australia; MasticadoresIndia, or on his personal blog www.hytsdaily.com where he displays his love of fiction and poetry under his pen name, Jerome Kenrick.



53 respuestas a “A Bentley and a Spanking for Christmas by Nigel Byng

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  1. Nigel, your flash fiction had me chuckling from start to finish! The unexpected twist of Bentley the ox playing the role of Rudolph in the Christmas parade is both hilarious and charming. The vivid descriptions and your witty narrative style create such a lively and enjoyable read. I could almost feel the mischievous spirit of Bentley and the escapade through the cane field.


    Le gusta a 4 personas

    1. I had a lot of days stealing fruits from my neighbors. So definitely want kids for up to. I based the part of the Ox chase after witnessing cattle run wild through our neighborhood as a kid.
      I’m pleased that you enjoyed the story Dave. I thoroughly enjoyed writing it as well. 🙏👏👏

      Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Thank you Priscilla. Getting a cutarse was a right of passage growing up. If you didn’t get own as a kid, you were not alive, or your parents were never around. Earning multiple meant your parents probably needed counseling or being arrested. They’d actually send you to the police station for a spanking if they weren’t up to it. 😂
      Pleased you enjoyed the story, my dear. 🙏👏👏💜

      Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. I had to write this with very short notice. So I am pleased it came out just right and that you enjoyed it. Yes my Christmas wasn’t too bad. Had fun with the great nieces and nephews. Hope you Christmas was a blessing as well. Thank you Dawn. 💜👏

      Me gusta

  2. Nigel this is hilarious and I loved the reference to Big Bird and the tiny TV. The spanking you described had me laughing and if that wasn’t bad enough you had to miss the parade too. This is so well written and I can see you telling the story at your Christmas dinner. How fun. I have been chased by a bull and it wasn’t pretty so I can not imagine the sight of children being chased by an ox. This is such a delightful story Nigel and you are wonderfully talented my friend. Thanks Mich for having Nigel and his amazing stories. Note: There is something to be said for the days when kids would play with a can until the sun went down playing «Kick the Can,» or «Hide and Seek,» those days were fun. Blessings to you my friend. Big hugs my friend.

    Le gusta a 2 personas

    1. Geez.. I remember kicking a can around for hours..and hide and seek before there were tons of streetlights was much much more fun than it is now. You took me back a lifetime with those references. I’ve seen people being chased by a bull… And as boys it was hilarious. As an adult I know it’s terrifying.
      As for the spanking… They were mandatory lol. If not at home, we got it at school or a neighbor would deliver for an behalf of your parents..those were the days. 😂😂

      Le gusta a 1 persona

      1. Haha I got spanked several times with a boat paddle in my elementary school. I am glad I am not the only one who played kick the can. We were poor too but we were always fed well. I just didn’t like to eat a dangerous place to be the dinner table. You are something else my friend. Big hugs 🤗 and don’t let the bed bugs bite – bet you have heard that one too. Haha

        Le gusta a 1 persona

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