Family of Origin Pt. IV by Melissa Lemay

My father is 
in all my poems
like a lover whose
is in all his songs.

Like his father before
him, I did not know him.
They are the ones
that got away.

this became tradition.
My father’s mother
and my mother
did not get along.

I called her Grammy.
She smoked cigarettes,
and she liked to play Bingo.
We would play card games
and Yahtzee with my dad.

We would sit around a table
and play, and they
smoked their cigarettes.

They loved Pepsi.

I can tell you that,

can not tell you
for certain
what they thought about

My father raped me.
And I can’t separate
him; I


not quite sure
any of them
fit, since I
did not really know them.
They are such a minuscule
part of my story, and yet

they became all of it.


Melissa Lemay is a stay-at-home mother from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She never graduated college. She has lived an interesting life, and her experiences shape her writing (some might call it an obsession). She writes about God, addiction, trauma, healing, being a mother, and many other things. Additionally, she enjoys spending time with family, drinking good coffee, and cats–petting them, not drinking them. Find her at

20 respuestas a “Family of Origin Pt. IV by Melissa Lemay

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  1. Heart breaking and I don’t have words but know this, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God.” Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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  2. Dear Melissa, I too am a child of alcoholics and sexual abuse from extended members in the family. I salute you, for you are a survivor amongst a family of dysfunctional strangers. A child without a parent, an example, a place of rest or peace, unprotected and held within daily chaos. Your writing is brilliant and believe me it helps to speak out and it does help others. Forgive me if I misunderstanding but I am guessing your reference to being saved many times was that you were physically saved from actual death by situations you were put in as a child. I believe in divine intervention and I was also saved many times. Writing is a wonderful way to help deal with pain that never completely goes away, how can it. Robbed of a childhood. The way you tell this story is so poignant. A women dressed in armor and facing her life, what an admiration you are! What a blessing that I got to read your story. Thank you for sharing your story and I hope you never stop. Hugs, love and blessings to you my fellow ACOA.

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    1. Dear Joni, so sorry I am only seeing this now! I am eternally grateful for this outlet, writing. It definitely helps, and I hope it does, in some way, help others. I think you are understanding, saved many times from all kinds of things, that I made it through childhood, that my suicide attempt didn’t work, that I didn’t die from a drug overdose as so many do. I owe it all to God above and His unending grace! He is my true Father. Thank you for your words and your encouragement. Hugs back.🤗

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      1. So grateful you are here. Never worry about time frame on returning messages. I do it when I have time. Many people have no idea what can be done at the hands of parents who were never really there when you were just three years old or even one year old my mother actually tried to kill me in a vehicle with my sisters. God intervened, and I’m sure he did many times with you and your family. I pray for many blessings, and I understand the attempt as well because you felt like you had to get out of that situation somehow. I yelled at God a lot just to take me up with his hand to heaven. This is why we’re both still here trying to make a difference. God bless you, Melissa and you’re doing lots of great stuff. Love, hugs and prayers going out for you my friend.

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