Improving the Hotel – by Miriam Costa

I have painted the walls of the cabarets where you slept. I mixed that grotesque blue that you were afraid of with a light pink, that doesn’t support the rage of your favorite portrait.

Besides my chair, no proposals, just the fun for the fun and you hanging, so stupid as always!

I didn’t even tear the red rugs but I kept the heels, they helped me… putting me at the height where I should have been.

There is no more space to tears or your cheap breath, so go…. Some old friends remain assiduous but nothing is as it was before. Only the cabaret…

16 respuestas a “Improving the Hotel – by Miriam Costa

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    1. I love this new blog! Hotel de los corazones rotos! Original idea including the title.👏
      lnteresting poetry too!
      «I didn’t even tear the red rugs but I kept the heels, they helped me… putting me at the height where I should have been.»
      Long life for all. 👏👏🌻

      Le gusta a 2 personas

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