How To Not Get Caught When The Cauldron Boils Hot by Selma martin

The witches’ cauldron’s boiling hot
Bad vibes are in the air
Every move gets foiled, ties my guts in knots
Jammed sideways in the celestial sphere.

It rose unbidden, reached the zenith
And speaks of doom and greed
The three-headed scheming behemoth
Oozes putrid ’till its reddened gum bleeds.

The witches’ cauldron’s boiling hot
So I dress in silk cotton and flannel
Though every move I make turns tart
I must dodge fear and clear the channel.

Watch out! The cauldron’s boiling hot
It will backfire and scald them
For if one plays with fire, one gets caught
And no tail feathers to warn them.

© selma

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay 


Selma Martin is a retired English teacher with 20 years of teaching children ESL.
She believes in people’s goodness and in finding balance in simple living. She
lives in Japan with her husband.
In 2018, Selma participated in a networking course whose final lesson was to
publish a story on Amazon. After many failed attempts, she completed the course
and self-published her short story, "Wanted: Husband/Handyman," in 2019. Later,
collaborating with peers from that course, she published "Wanted:
Husband/Handyman" in Once Upon A Story: A Short Fiction Anthology.
Selma has published articles and poems on Medium since 2017; she has a story
in Short Fiction Break, 2017, and poetry in The Poetorium At Starlight, 2022,
MasticadoresUSA, and Spillwords.
After her first NaPoWriMo 2021, Selma writes poetry on her website,, and is struggling to garner the courage to publish a
book soon. 
You can find Selma, selmawrites, on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. 

8 respuestas a “How To Not Get Caught When The Cauldron Boils Hot by Selma martin

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  1. Congratulations, Selma, on the publication of your meaningful poem. Yesterday I was blindsided by some vulnerabilities dating back to my childhood. Maybe we all have something painful from the past just waiting to trigger a reaction. «Know thyself! » Your poem speaks to me. Thank you for sharing your experience. ❤

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