It’s All about Death, Really By Barbara Leonhard

It’s All about Death, Really

The gap between compassion and surrender is love’s darkest, deepest region.      

Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence

I am ready to shed the old clothes,
the tatters that hang off my heart that I thought 
held some comfort but that no longer fit me.
I lay them out for display. Touch each one, 
each fear and attachment one last time.

I release my hoard of wants and needs.
My weight I put on for protection. My addictions
to coffee, chocolate, red wine. 
My attraction to numbing routines,
like scrolling my way through the ‘daze’ as though
my time has passed.

I let go of unhealthy relationships. Minds that no longer 
hold resonance to mine, may you be well. 
I’ll miss you, but I no longer grieve your absence 
or fear abandonment.
I forgive you and myself. 
I’m moving on into my vast true nature, 
which holds inner wisdom and guidance 
from my own tribe. I know my soul mates 
will never retire.

I unburden myself from other worries. Fear of illness
and joint failure. Fear of falling. 
Fear of success. Fear of defeat.
Fear of being a woman in a misogynistic world.
Fear of love and intimacy. Fear of crowds.
Fear of judgment and ridicule. 
Fear of losing my mind to social dementia.

I disengage my rationalizations and projections.
They have only misled me into thinking
that I am not responsible for my pain. 
Fear makes me a martyr, 
felled by false beliefs.

I surrender my need to be right in any fight. 
I can refract and reflect. I can move
in many directions. Not just as rays
but also waves. 
Just as Soul.

I relinquish my disdain for my pesky shadow
as I know she is here to teach me,
to terrorize my naked heart
until it screams open,
and I am finally able to see
that I do not need to be ‘fixed’.

My soul is no longer broken; 
it’s outgrown its fears.
Cleansed and ready. 
Ready. For what’s next.

©Barbara Leonhard


Barbara Leonhard is an internationally known prize-winning poet and Pushcart nominee. She is especially indebted to Well Versed 2021: A Collection of Poetry and Prose and Spillwords Press for past honors. Her debut poetry collection, Three-Penny Memories: A Poetic Memoir (Experiments in Fiction, 2022), which is about her relationship with her mother, who suffered from Alzheimer’s, is a best seller on the Amazon. Barbara is also Editor for MasticadoresUSA.

Image: Eagle Bluffs on the Missouri River 

12 respuestas a “It’s All about Death, Really By Barbara Leonhard

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  1. Barbara, this is quite touching. I could relate to many of your words, worries, and truth. Many of us have fears we are uncomfortable sharing, and I applaud your beautiful strength. One of the things about getting older is we no longer care that much if people accept us as we have gathered wisdom over the years, and we just let go and hang with our own tribe, even if it is two or three people. To let go of those that only cause harm is so freeing, even though it is hard. Just a beautiful piece of writing. Thank you for sharing, and Juan for publishing. Great big hugs, Joni

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  2. When we are young we accumulate so much, but we’re young and strong then and lugging things around is a breeze. When we get older, the landscape changes. We must let go on the uphill walk. It’s best to let go of baggage: we don’t need those things for the climb, because now we go deeper. Less is more and we have all we need. Thanks for this loveliness. blessings.

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