Soul Medicine by Selma Martin

Soul Medicine by Selma Martin

To heal humanity we need to focus on our one collective-soul
As the planet turns on its axis
And Mother Earth responds to our plight
The stars align to support our growth sprout
And watch over us as we sleep at night

We're one people brought down to our knees
To face challenges we've ignored too long
If it weren't for the love we bear in our souls
We would have perished already, alone

But we're not alone in our hour of need
To our brethren, we stretch out a hand
For each other, we resolve to be strong
For one another we strive and march on

Borderless, and intuned to one heartbeat
With soul medicine, we heal our deep hurts

© selma

featured Image attributions: Photo by Juliana Stein on

Author’s Bio

Selma Martin is a retired English teacher with 20 years of teaching children ESL. She believes in people’s
goodness and in finding balance in simple living. She lives in Japan with her husband of thirty-four years.
In 2018, Selma participated in a networking course whose final lesson was to publish a story on Amazon.
After many failed attempts, she completed the course and self-published her short story, Wanted:
Husband/Handyman, in 2019. Later, collaborating with peers from that course, she published Wanted:
Husband/Handyman in an anthology, Once Upon A Story: A Short Fiction Anthology.

Selma has published stories on Medium for many years, in MasticadoresUSA, The Poetorium At StarlightShort
Fiction BreakLit eZine, and Spillwords.

In July 2023, Selma published a debut poetry collection on Amazon through Experiments In Fiction. In April
2024she was published in an anthology, Poetry Treasures through Word Craft Publishers, and in June 2024 in
a haiku anthology, Pearls of Haiku through Literary Revelations Press. You can find Selma on her website,, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as selmawrites. 

23 respuestas a “Soul Medicine by Selma Martin

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  1. Selma what a most humanitarian and auspiciously written piece. I can’t name a stanza that touched me more than the next because the entire piece is such a paramount reminder of what this world needs us all to remember. We are indeed all connected and your last two line are perfect! Thank you Mich for this lovely publication and Selma for writing such an inspirational piece of work to share.

    The timing is amazing actually because it can and does happen – what you give birth to in this piece. A perfect example I read on T. W. Dittmer’s site this morning. It is a true love story about «Loving Your Enemies,» shared translation by author Hien Nguyen. Only read if you are ready to cry many tears of love, hope and joy, just like your poem evokes. Here is the link:

    I hope you don’t mind me referring to another site dear Selma, but if you read it you will see why – and you will cry for you will clearly see the words of your poem in this true story of love. Many blessings and much love and gratitude always. ❤️

    Me gusta

    1. Joni. Thanks so very much for your lovely words and for passing along that link. It encapsulates who we are; and may we never forget.

      I read and left this message: what a touching story. Deep in our souls we are all like this. We want to do good because we are all made out of goodness. Too bad we forget sometimes.

      stories like this help us to remember. Thanks so much for sharing it with me.

      perfect soul medicine: this one was administered to me by Joni Caggiano. Author of One Petal At a Time. Grateful.

      “Our love and happiness survived the war in that way.” —a great ending to this story. bless you. X

      Bless you Joni. May our tears cleanse our world of hurt.
      Have a great weekend. 🤗

      Me gusta

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