Unlike the Ocean by Miriam Costa

Unlike the Ocean by Miriam Costa

Unlike the ocean, my heart is writing poems on the surface with the stars all above my face. Now and later I wait for a new mistake, does not matter from who or where it comes from, it is to me, to throw towards art my joy, my pain. Let me depart where fear drives me, but still necessary to feel everything. Also to believe in anything.
There are nights that I dream awake and plan to displace some old skeletons on therapy… again and again… only my art, not my soul, is a silente flower with a thousand colours. But I keep up with both.
People aske me to go out but I dont feel like it. Boring….
Working on it!
I want a world with more angels, culture, food, and less wars and nightclubs, a pink sign past all talkers and lead me to a paint of a vintage-kind-man, I want to have time to arrange my books in alphabetical order, lots of cats and good lasagna, I want more books of Goethe!
When I was eleven I had time to write more…. (but I did not know that).

*featured photo by Miriam Costa

Author’s Bio

Miriam Costa – born in Luanda, Angola, arrived in Brazil at the age of 3, loves to read and eventually studied fine arts. Her writings are always a mixture of her drawings and digital collages. She participated in group and individual exhibitions. She created poetry zines and have her own brand of skateboard shirts. Published 8 books in partnership with international writers, a member of the readers’ club in her city and also does volunteer work with children. She collaborated with columns in law and business consultancy newspapers with a «feel» of humor. She participates in poetry collectives and creates independent album covers. Graduated in radiology, fashion, she is a bilingual translator, editor of Masticadores Brasil, also a writer for CronicArte magazine. Photography and poetry is in her soul.

7 respuestas a “Unlike the Ocean by Miriam Costa

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    1. Wonderful and beatiful your poem, Miriam. 🌷👏👏 As always creative, original and sensitive in your writings.🌹

      Your photo is amazing!😍👏👏

      «I want a world with more angels, culture, food, and less wars and nightclubs, a pink sign past all talkers and lead me to a paint of a vintage-kind-man, I want to have time to arrange my books in alphabetical order, lots of cats and good lasagna, I want more books of Goethe!»

      Le gusta a 1 persona

  1. I too, love the photographs but it makes me hold my breath my friend when I see people jumping with what looks like a road below – probably jutting rocks. Also, my next thought is my precious daughter going to Lake Havasu, during spring break and knowing she too, was probably one of the university kids that made many jumps from cliffs. I always prayed for her when she traveled and I am sure those prayers were heard.

    The poem resonates with me because although in many ways things change so much, they also stay the same. I remember being in college and thinking much like your gorgeous poem. I too, wanted different things in my life. So your first paragraph drew me in and kept me in your space.

    «Unlike the ocean, my heart is writing poems on the surface with the stars all above my face. Now and later I wait for a new mistake, does not matter from who or where it comes from, it is to me, to throw towards art my joy, my pain. Let me depart where fear drives me, but still necessary to feel everything. Also to believe in anything.»

    The photographs really work with this piece, as only young women like yourself would likely make such a plunge. Keep seeking that «more» you are looking for and don’t ever settle my friend. Enjoy each day and swim in it as when we get older we often think behind us rather than in front of us. We poets live in our heads, what a blessing it is my friend. Time to send my fairies home, I know you are without a doubt a big fan, as they bring our childhood back to us each moment. I will be asking them to teach me the yoga moves that they learned from you and then they will sleep for a week, resting from their trip before I send them to visit one of my best friends in Seattle. When they are gone, look under your pillow and they will have left you some powerful fairy dust, you may find what you are looking for sooner than later. Thanks for the beautiful poem, and memories. I send you my love, hugs and kisses. 🧚🏻🧚🏻🥰

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  2. want a world with more angels, culture, food, and less wars and nightclubs, a pink sign past all talkers and lead me to a paint of a vintage-kind-man, I want to have time to arrange my books in alphabetical order, lots of cats and good lasagna, I want more books of Goethe!
    When I was eleven I had time to write more…. (but I did not know that).
    as children we live our imagination and write little, what a beautiful poetic text

    Me gusta

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