My Favorite Place by Norj Joseph

My Favorite Place by Norj Joseph

My favorite place with you
Churns up all the blues with our colorful hues
Makes us do everything we love to do
Cuddle and shake, just us two

My favorite place with you
Always tempts me to probe the inside of you
The space isn’t too large nor too small
But right after, it’s enough to make our toes curl

No, you don’t need to go too far
My favorite place with you is just inside a room

In bed….


*featured image by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Author’s Bio 

Norj Joseph graduated with a degree in Journalism. He worked at a Philippine broadcast network for over 20 years and also works in directing and producing various styles of videos. He is a published author at Spillwords, Masticadores USA and Hotel Masticadores. Additionally, he is the creative consultant of a bestselling author on Amazon.

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