Broken Not Forgotten by Joni Caggiano

Broken Not Forgotten by Joni Caggiano

window washer, weeping silent, your sadness is in vain
black cats and broken mirrors are not your source of pain
tears fold and build a tower holding back your gardens’ rain

a heart too large for your tiny chest is what the doctor said
you ache for sleep, a likely ghost, for fears often play out in beds
skinny body without shape, your collection of crayons is missing red

broken puppet, a bulb that forgot to shine, or even glow
you never dared to dream you would live long enough to grow
write words and sing your song, but the boat won’t go if you don’t row

so hold your heart tight, for you’re as precious as the moon
or the monarch underneath a protective leaf in her safe cocoon
or the starlings, and their murmurations and how they mimic so many tunes

close your eyes, silly puppet, for God holds you in His Light
He told you that you are precious in his heavenly and Holy Sight
He awaits in His Kingdom but when you sleep, He kisses you good night

Author’s Bio

Joni Karen Caggiano is a internationally published author, poet, and photographer. A 2022 Pushcart Nominee for, “Old New is Not Old News,” The Short of It Publishing, she has been recognized for several accomplishments. She just recently released her debut poetry book, “One Petal at a Time” by Prolific Pulse Press LLC.

36 respuestas a “Broken Not Forgotten by Joni Caggiano

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  1. «but the boat won’t go if you don’t row».. this line encapsulates an inherent truth about life, hopes, dreams…
    Such a wonderful piece. I love the rhyme structure, and the subtle messages of persevering and having faith that God’s favor is always present. We may have had a bad start, but the end of a thing is always greater than the begining. Lovely poetry, Joni darling. 👏👏🙏

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    1. Thank you Nigel what truth about this piece and that was exactly the meaning of the poem. You have figured my writing out exactly. Who wants a crayon box without the red crayon. Yes, in the end things work out the way they are suppose to. Thank you for the kind comment and for reading my friend. Hugs and love Nigel from both of us, you have been in our prayers. Joni

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    1. Thank you so much Mike for reading me. I really do appreciate you and am always delighted when you like my work as you know how much I enjoy your brilliant work as well. This is a bit of a mix bag but every sentence actually does have a meaning for me and my childhood, and now I believe there is hope always. I believe that everyone who is kind and compassionate especially deserves to be happy and that certainly includes you my dear friend. Sending you my love and great big hugs my friend. Joni

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  2. you never dared to dream you would live long enough to grow
    write words and sing your song, but the boat won’t go if you don’t row

    so hold your heart tight, for you’re as precious as the moon
    or the monarch underneath a protective leaf  – MY FAVORITE PART. I literaly trip out on those words… the full poem is kind of funny and deep…. So many emotions and I thank you my friend for that.
    I will share it on my facebook.
    Kisses from Brazil.

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    1. Dearest Miriam, Thank you so much for sharing the words you enjoyed the most. I really appreciate that too. It helps me to know what I am doing right! You are very kind. I think my favorite «skinny body without shape, your collection of crayons is missing red,» what kid wants a box of crayons without the color red – which color do we all want? I was bone thin never had any shape really till after I had a had a child, and that was not in style then- haha, just my luck. I was as skinny as a stick. You are a sweetheart, thank you for reading and your comment, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts. I always enjoy your work too my friend. Hugs and kisses from the Virginia, Love Joni

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  3. it’s a beautiful poem mlle joni. You know how to give many emotions in a single piece.

    my favorite is, because of the magical hue it has.

    «so hold your heart tight, for you’re as precious as the moon
    or the monarch underneath a protective leaf in her safe cocoon
    or the starlings, and their murmurations and how they mimic so many tunes»

    the boat won’t go if you don’t row is very nice and clever.

    even if for my part, the more i see, the more i think, that not rowing is in self an act of rebellion.

    Have a beautiful sunday my dearest joni, my thought are with you. You do row your boat beautifully.


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    1. My dear friend, Myriam, I love hearing your illumination of my work. I do this often to people’s work I just love but sometimes I wonder if that is not appreciated. I just cherish it when others tell me what they feel and like or even what they don’t get. So thank you so much as a few people that know me have done that on this piece and I truly feel it is a gift. I love your term «magical hue,» that is how I see the world, nature is magical to me and you picked up on that.

      «even if for my part, the more i see, the more i think, that not rowing is in self an act of rebellion.» You are so right my friend. Very introspective Myriam. Thank you so very much for reading and sharing your thoughts. I love your work, and I can never read any of your poems just once, it requires thought.

      I am so grateful to everyone who reads me here at Hotel and for their gracious comments and taking time to think about my poem. It has been a treat for me too. Myriam I have missed you my friend. I have missed you and while reading a piece on your site the other day I see that you are on a streak right now, what a blessing that is, as I have been blocked, never fun.

      My love, tons of warm hugs and kisses too. Joni ❤️

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    1. Oh my sweet friend Karima, you are a bundle of talent rolled up into an enigma for me. How you do what you do, I will certainly never fully comprehend but it is joyous and offers us an escape from our reality into a world filled with vivid colors, creatures and astounding beauty.

      I know how busy you have been on this last amazing project so thank you so much for reading my poem and your lovely comment. I appreciate you so much. Love you

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